viernes, junio 09, 2006

Una reflexión sobre las ficciones de la repetición

Esta es breve y musical.
En una serie norteamericana, ”The single guy, Jonathan, el protagonista, dice que estar enamorado es poner cara de idiota y escuchar canciones de "Rodgers & Hart".

Esta canción en particular creo que es muy apropiada para el fin comentado en la serie y, aparte, plantea una especie de extraño dejavu, que no se sabe si es una estrategia de seducción o una sensación real. Para su interpretación, la letra:

Where or when*

Sometimes you think you've lived before
All that you live today
Things you do come back to you
As though they knew the way
Oh, the tricks your mind can play!

It seems we stood and talked like this before
we looked at each other in the same way then,
But I can't remember where or when.
The clothes you're wearing are the clothes you wore.
The smile you are smiling you were smiling then,
But I can't remember where or when.
Some things that happened for the first time,
Seem to be happening again.
And so it seems that we have met before
and laughed before and loved before,
But who knows where or when.

*Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart